- Home Improvements
- Project Management
- Insurance Work

Rented Property Cleaning Service
- Carpets and Floors
- Walls
- Windows
- Bathrooms
- Kitchens
- General Reparis
- Garden clean ups
- Patios
- Paths/Driveways
- Guttering
- Facia Boards
- Garage clean up
Additional Services
- Painting
- Fence Repair
- Safety Checks (Gas & Electric)
Work undertaken for
- Local Authorities
- Estate Agents
- Letting Agents
- Housing Associations
- Insurance Companies
- Landlords
General Cleaning Service
- Carpets
- Upholstry
- Curtains
- Bedding
- Soft Furnishings
we clean, treat and reseal
- Driveways
- Block paving
- Patios
- Petrol Forecourts
- Tennis courts
- Swimming Pools
- Changing rooms
- Decking (clean/restain)
Additional Services
- Stain Removal
- Deoderising
- Scotch Guard
- Caravan Cleans
- Boat Cleans
Work undertaken for
- Local Authorities - Schools & Residential Homes
- Estate Agents
- Commercial - restaurants & pubs
- Industrial
- Private
- Domestic